Is a Sump Pump Needed in Every Basement?

April 24, 2023

Sump pumps are those devices that automatically remove water from an area, such as a basement. They are common in Suffolk County homes. But do all basements require a sump pump? When You Do and Don’t Need a Sump Pump? No, not all basements need a sump pump. It depends on the basement’s condition and its potential for water infiltration. If your basement has been properly waterproofed and is not in a flood zone, you may not need a sump pump. However, if your basement has poor drainage or is in a flood

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What Happens to the Water With a Slab Leak?

January 16, 2023

If you own a home with a slab foundation, slab leaks can pose significant problems to its structural integrity. Discover where the water goes when you have a slab leak and signs that this may be a problem you’re facing. Eroding the Ground Around Your Foundation Slap leaks occur when the pipes that run under your slab foundation start leaking. There are only two places water has to go, into the ground or into the slab. Water always follows the path of least resistance, so it’s most likely to flow into the ground, softening it and

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How to Prevent Limescale in Your Home

December 20, 2022

Limescale is a serious issue that affects many homes. If left unchecked, limescale can build inside your pipes and eventually begin to clog them and reduce water flow and pressure. Limescale also collects inside plumbing fixtures and appliances and can easily cause them to break down and need repairs. With these issues in mind, here is a quick overview of what causes limescale and how you can prevent it. What Causes Limescale? Limescale results from hard water, which means that the water has a higher concentration of dissolved minerals like calcium and magnesium. Whenever you

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3 Ways to Prepare Your Sump Pump for Winter

November 18, 2022

As the weather gets colder and we start to prepare our homes for winter, it’s important to remember our sump pumps! Sump pumps play a crucial role in keeping our homes dry by pumping water out of the basement or crawl space and away from the foundation. But if they’re not properly cared for, they can become frozen and break down when we need them most. Here are a few tips on how to prepare your sump pump for winter. 1. Remove the Sump Pump Hose This is an important step, as leaving the hose attached

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3 Common Reasons Why Your Copper Pipes Are Turning Green

October 20, 2022

Updated August 2023 Many people often forget about their plumbing systems until they have a problem. One common issue that affects the systems is copper pipes turning green. The greenish color is often referred to as a patina. Read on to learn why your pipes are turning green and ways to get around the issue. 1. Oxidation The most frequent reason why copper pipes turn green is oxidation. Oxidation takes place when copper pipes are exposed to moisture and air for a continuous period. The color is formed by the creation of

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6 Steps for Winterizing Your Home’s Plumbing

September 13, 2022

During winter, temperature drops can cause pipes to freeze and burst. Winterizing prepares household plumbing for these freezing temperatures. As water freezes, it expands and becomes ice. This produces pressure within the pipes that could cause damage. 1. Shut off the Main Water Valve Shutoff valves are located near the main water meter in a home. Shutting off the main water valve is typically done if you are temporarily vacating the home and relocating to a warmer climate for the winter. 2. Drain Your Pipes If you are leaving your home

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Successfully Flushing a Water Heater’s Tank

August 15, 2022

Your hot water heater tank doesn’t get buildup in it often, but it’s wise to check it yearly and flush it every one to three years. Minerals and other things in clean water can build up in the tank, so flushing it will help purify your water even more. It will also help extend the life of the hot water heater. The following covers the steps of flushing a water heater tank. Checking the Water Heater Type and Setup The first thing to do is double check on the water heater you have. Gas and

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Flushable Wipes: Are They Safe for Your Plumbing?

July 20, 2022

Flushable wipes have become increasingly popular in recent years. They come in various sizes and have different uses. Some are for medicinal use, while others are for cosmetic use only. Most people assume they are flushable. But are they really? The answer is a definite no. Let us delve deeper and understand why this is so. Why Are Flushable Wipes an Issue? At Fix-A-Leak Plumbing and Heating, we have dealt with many plumbing issues caused by so-called flushable wipes. The main reason that these wipes are such a problem is due to the fact that

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Possible Causes of Low Water Pressure

February 15, 2022

Low water pressure in your home is a massive inconvenience. It can affect your comfort, hygiene, and ability to complete household chores. If you don’t know what’s causing the problem, it will be much harder for you to find a remedy. It’s wise to learn about low water pressure and the most common reasons it happens. Clogged Pipes If you don’t have a water-softening system, the water flowing through your home’s pipes will contain molecules of magnesium and calcium. When the water passes through, residues from those minerals can get left behind. Eventually, enough can

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Key Factors Influencing Water Quality

January 10, 2022

Access to clean water keeps you and your family away from any diseases. Moreover, drinking enough water will keep you and your family members healthy. However, many homeowners in Suffolk County don’t think about water quality until they receive a boil water notice or discover a change in their water. If you want to learn how to improve water quality in your home, read on to discover the most significant factors that influence water quality. Sedimentation and Runoff Although runoff and sedimentation are normal, extreme sedimentation and runoff can lower water quality. Water

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